Leicester CCTV
  ...Professional Security Surveillance

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Industrial - CCTV Systems

Leicester Industrial CCTV security surveillance and monitoring systems offer a wide range of professional CCTV security products helping to secure the inside and outside of your industrial premises and worksite. 

Having a CCTV surveillance system can help improve safety and productivity within your business as we have found it to be a useful tool in the monitoring of your workforce. CCTV will help monitor both the visual safety of your staff and help to increase productivity and output as staff will always work harder when they know they are being continously monitored.

CCTV is increasingly being utilised on industrial building sites to help protect the workforce and also to safeguard valuable tools and plant machinery. There are many different applications such as remote monitoring, portable towers for short term hire as well as being used as a cost effective alternative to manned patrol guards. 

For a free site survey fill in our on-line contact form or call our sales office to speak to a consultant to discuss your security requirements.  




Please Note!                

With 80% of customers having a different
application for a security system, ensuring your needs are fulfilled by the correct security product is key.

Tel: 0116 2505055